Tests and Assessments
Food Allergy, Sensitivity and Intolerance Tests
Hippocrates first explored the adverse effects of “hostile humors” (now called IgE antibodies) that caused adverse reactions in some people to certain types of food. But it wasn’t until the 1970's that doctors like Charles May were able to successfully conquer society’s skepticism about food allergies. They discovered that, for some people, even a small amount of certain kinds of food could set off an immune system reaction that caused digestive problems and anaphylaxis.
Food Allergies
There is a marked difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity. Allergies (IgE reactions) bear an immediate and immunological reaction. Hives, asthma, and/or anaphylaxis might result in a referral to an allergist who will assess food and environmental allergens.
Food Sensitivities
Conversely, food sensitivities result in delayed reactions, and any organ system can display symptoms. These reactions involve different parts of the immune system (IgG and IgM) and consequently require different labs than standard allergy tests.
Food Intolerance
An intolerance is a simple inability to digest certain protein sequences. However, ongoing exposure to foods to which one has both intolerance and sensitivities can compromise the intestinal lining and ultimately contribute to numerous autoimmune reactions.
Fortunately, incredible advances have been made in identifying characteristics and symptoms of various food allergies and reactions. We can test you using cutting edge labs to both identify adverse food reactions and assess the health of your digestive system, including new non-invasive, needle-free tests that don’t involve pricks or pain.
Micronutrient Test
Micronutrient testing measures how over 30 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites affect cellular function. This is done by measuring the body's ability to absorb the nutrients into the white blood cells. Analyzing white blood cells offers the most accurate analysis of the body's deficiencies, and this particular test provides the most comprehensive nutritional analysis available by measuring function at the cellular level.
Often, vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and overall health conditions. Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune functions and contribute to chronic degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Micronutrient Test is the only test that takes a nutritional assessment and creates a plan to correct. The results of the test can help reduce the risk of illness and diseases related to deficiency.
Microbiome Test
The microbiome of the human gut is characterized by the trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi living inside of us that influence our health. Specifically, the presence of certain pathogenic microorganisms in your microbiome can be associated with illness, including everything from diarrhea to sore throat.
A microbiome test is a screening that can monitor your overall gut health. It detects microorganisms associated with several common gut symptoms, including abdominal pain/tenderness, constipation, Crohn's Disease/Ulcerative Colitis, chronic bloating, diarrhea, Gas, obesity, and other issues. The unique quality of this test is its ability to screen microorganisms that can only be detected by DNA sequencing, and it provides information on how your lifestyle and diet affect the microorganisms in your gut and overall well-being.
Heavy Metals Test
Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are pervasive in our air, water, food, dental and other medical materials. Heavy metal toxicity can pose a significant risk to health. When suspected it is important to identify the concentrations of these compounds in the body and determine how best to mitigate their toxic effects.
The impact of heavy metals on individuals’ health depends upon their DNA, the uniqueness of their genetic blueprint, which determines how well they can effectively detoxify these substances. We know that these substances are dangerous. The question is can a patient effectively excrete them? We look at not only the levels of the metals, but also the body’s capability to excrete them, taking the position that you need both pieces of information to effectively strategize how best to manage these substances in an individual. The metals may be safely removed or not removed at all depending on the patient.
Yeast and Parasite Test
Many people associate parasite, yeast and/or toxic bacterial infections with Third World travel or other questionable exposures. But perhaps surprisingly, a significantly large percentage of the U.S. population is infected with these "bugs. When parasites are suspected, our newer, more sensitive tests look for traces of the bugs’ DNA. When these pathogens are found, treatment usually involves some combination of herbs, medication and dietary changes.
Autoimmune Reactivity Test
Autoimmune Reactivity Testing is a screening panel that looks at auto-antibodies in multiple areas of the body. This test is especially relevant and important for anyone with a known gluten sensitivity and/or “Leaky Gut Syndrome.” Sensitivities to gluten and other foods can produce long-term inflammation and result in a dysfunctional immune system. There is a strong association with gluten sensitivity and autoimmune illness.
Adrenal Stress Test
The Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) was first introduced in 1989 to evaluate stress, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Since that time, several tests have been added to glean a more comprehensive understanding of adrenal hormone balance, glycemic control, immune status and gluten sensitivity. This comprehensive panel is an ideal evaluation for patients under chronic stress and/or with known or suspected endocrine abnormalities.
This index is a non-invasive method of evaluating the effects of stress on the body. It measures a variety of hormones and immune markers affected by stress and related conditions. It can help identify the role of stress in chronic fatigue, insomnia, food cravings, loss of muscle mass, muscle weakness, anxiety, depression, abdominal obesity and chronic infections.