Glyphosate, even if you didn’t recognize it as the key ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, you likely are being affected by it as its use in agriculture is growing worldwide.
When the New York Times asked “Orange is the New Black” actress Laverne Cox to share beauty tips for its Style magazine section, one of the things she mentioned, much to my surprise, was me.
Mathematics, specifically sacred geometry, is the basis of the newest therapy I’m excited to be the only practitioner offering in Los Angeles.
Acupuncture is hailed as a cure-all for countless health challenges, and it’s really no surprise that its magic extends to boosting and improving the success rates of IVF cycles.
In a culture that has grown to rely on replacement of what the body misses (collagen, cartilage, telomeres), we believe in the revitalization and optimization of what we naturally possess.