Women's Health


Approximately one in eight couples experience infertility. When a woman reaches age 35, the rate of fertility begins to decline.  By age 40 a woman’s chance of “natural” pregnancy is less than 5 percent.

Infertility is also a concern among men. In approximately 40 percent of couples deemed infertile, the male is the sole or contributing cause.  The average male sperm count declined by more than 50 percent between 1973 and 2013, and is still going down. At the same time the rate of autism in children continues to increase: It is currently at a staggering 40 percent. Other neurological, developmental, behavioral and emotional issues also appear to be on the rise in children.

We have been taught that fertility is largely dependent upon adequate hormonal cycles. While this is certainly true, we contend that successful pregnancy with healthy outcomes for both mother and baby are influenced by a number of other variables. These include stress, obesity, nutritional deficiencies and the ill-effects of our highly toxic society.

Let’s consider the role of exposure to environmental toxins before and during pregnancy. It is an established fact that petrochemical byproducts — most notably plastics — are known to cause infertility and hormonal disruption. Virtually all of our supply of non-organic fruits and vegetables have been treated with an endocrine-interrupting herbicide known as glyphosate. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead also increase the risk of harm to parents and baby.  It is our experience that identifying and remediating harmful toxins in advance of pregnancy increases successful outcomes for both mother and child. We offer testing to identify toxic exposure and strategies to effectively and safely detoxify these compounds.

Nutrition is just as important as detoxification.  Deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals are often the culprit in infertility.  While a high-quality multivitamin is a smart strategy for all, it may not address longstanding deficiencies.  Additionally, there might be issues with nutrient delivery to the tissues that need them most. We offer assessment of cellular nutritional status and provide dietary guidelines and targeted supplementation.

Fibroids, PCOS, PMS
These conditions result from imbalances in three primary reproductive hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Exposure to environmental chemicals is implicated in these imbalances, as is the body’s capacity for the timely and appropriate breakdown and detoxification of hormones and chemicals that mimic hormones.  The liver is a key organ in performing this task, and the liver is often in need of support in those experiencing uterine or ovarian symptoms. Acupuncture, herbology and Frequency Specific Microcurrent are invaluable tools to relieve and eradicate these discomforts and conditions.

This is an inevitable and significant transition that all women encounter, typically between the ages of 48 and 55.  While it is a normal process of life, menopause and perimenopause can pack a punch. Menopausal women typically experience some or all of the following: hot flashes, night sweats, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, low libido, increased sagging and wrinkling of skin, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, forgetfulness, brain fog, osteoporosis, weight gain and increased risks of heart attack. We are available to assist through this transition to minimize or eradicate these symptoms and conditions.